
History's Repeating

running through the fog

like a mad dog

after a bone

hearing train whistles through telephones

lockjaw handshakes

to sign your life away

on high interest rates

playing keep away

tossing hopes

in rainbows

might as well slip on panty hose

and rob the fucking treasury

six gun in hand

with a rock and roll band

blasting anthems of revolt

in the ears of patriarchy

this monarchy of suppression

corporate selection

oligarchs up for re-election

the sin

is calling this

a democracy

when all we see

are two fucking choices

choices that were made for us

by a handful of people with all the power

time to take that power

take it by force

no remorse

no more right and left

for right and wrong have been proven meaningless by popular opinion

the onion of politics has no layers to reveal

it is a hollow husk

corroded with corporate lust

thin enough

to crack into dust

by one bad decision

no precision necessary

nothing to chance

we can’t take a chance

not now

for the hallowed halls of our children

are dripping with the blood of our decision

to put money above decency

above humanity

above personal liberty

above the earth and trees

above the lark that sings

“glory be to the day that freedom rang!”

oh glory!

where art though?

in the land where mothers cry

where starry fallen angels fly

colors running

red, white and bled dry

the fool won the vote

the joke was believing

its all ashes and smoke

brother give me another toke

history’s repeating.

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who are you?

who are me?

why can we not learn to be

in this plane together

learn to love one another

see life through eachothers eyes

why can we not realize

that we are the same

in our humanity

it’s bitter sweet

that you see you

and I see I

through separate eyes

that we must cry to the sky

harmonize our battle cries

for lack of compassion

life’s rations

dealt in our separate hands

the mind wishes to command

this gap in empathy

out of fear



differential in our identical ability
to cast vast swaths of belief
over categories of unknown loss

clouded in deep gaps of cultural plaque not yet flossed

from rotting jaws

flapping words of insult and injury

come and tell me what you know
without what you’ve only heard before

speak what you know from your heart

not just your experience

but what does the voice inside tell you about another

that they too have a mother

that they are your sister and brother

with blood as red as your

with a life that is but a chore

to dictate


commentate on every practical use of imaginations quest to build a life out of nothing

making up whatever you can

to keep your soul from drowning

treading the muddied waters of bubbling blubber
in cemented swimming semen casting white demons out in an expression of love

a pure kind of love

a love that brings you to your knees

saying please

don’t ever leave me

I’ll be here till you go

till winter snow takes Autumn’s final breath away

in the cold shadows

where love burns bright

this is the time to unite


is the time to unite

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Lemon Days

silent ways

lemon days

tiger claws illuminate

cut through the sun

the only one

who orbits the mind

take time

write a rhyme

let go of the dime

burn your self awareness

thanks be to this




of molecular dilution

sit with it for awhile

en plein air

plain speak

till your head springs a leak

and the words pour out like beer

no need to fear

this thing called time

it’s in line with exchanges and obstructions

of spirit, body and mind

in this world of the dollar

it equates to the sum total of man’s doubts

broken hearts

and constant need to succeed

to be superior over other

out of fear of being overtaken by another

loved by another

needed and held in liability

this world is shrinking

as minds expand

in the atmosphere of song

every transaction has a limit

but now

this moment

is endless

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falling leaves

tell the sleeve

its time to be long

stray cats

make rest

before the snow comes at last

elk runs in the early morn

striving to know

the secrets of his horn

wind blows through oak trunk holes

as suns rays pierce the core of the earth

magenta clouds

cover a blanketed sky

as Mother Earth kisses the land goodnight

so Father Sky may lay low on the horizon

and sleep for eternity

eternity collides with the present

a moment existing in the past and future


irregularly regular

without regulation

forget what they taught you in school

it never amounted to what is undiscovered within

in silence comes truth

in noise there are many lies

peace is knowing answers take time

because time has no plan

only you do

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new home

new thing

new city

new ring

fine day

to finally say

I will surmount this thing in my way

when it gets to big to climb

I slip into my mind

and get away

high up in the tree

where my spokes spin free

of all things lucid

and diseased

swarming with bees

kinda like flying a kite

at night

with the delight of a child

in the cradle of mothers arms

I will take up arms

against my own delusions

and fantasies of who I am

and how the world sees me

I am undefinable

and capable

of changing

or staying


or proceeding

the rules do not exist

get with it

or get bent.Undefinable

new home

new thing

new city

new ring

fine day

to finally say

I will surmount this thing in my way

when it gets to big to climb

I slip into my mind

and get away

high up in the tree

where my spokes spin free

of all things lucid

and diseased

swarming with bees

kinda like flying a kite

at night

with the delight of a child

in the cradle of mothers arms

I will take up arms

against my own delusions

and fantasies of who I am

and how the world sees me

I am undefinable

and capable

of changing

or staying


or proceeding

the rules do not exist

get with it

or get bent.Undefinable

new home

new thing

new city

new ring

fine day

to finally say

I will surmount this thing in my way

when it gets to big to climb

I slip into my mind

and get away

high up in the tree

where my spokes spin free

of all things lucid

and diseased

swarming with bees

kinda like flying a kite

at night

with the delight of a child

in the cradle of mothers arms

I will take up arms

against my own delusions

and fantasies of who I am

and how the world sees me

I am undefinable

and capable

of changing

or staying


or proceeding

the rules do not exist

get with it

or get bent.

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relentless ethics

dead set on achieving fantasies

as reality becomes fetish

tell tale signs of locked doors

within the mind

and keys rattling in a pocket

unheard by ears

deafened by the voice of success

strolling through orchards of fruit

with blinders on

feeling the anguish of starvation

burning deep within

the furnace of ambition

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Rescued at Sea

current draws you under

hear the rolling thunder

bubbles swarm you body like bees

lungs filled and tense

submersed in this present tense

which way is up or down

follow the light

there is no light

follow the bubbles

always something to follow


kick with all your might

so that you might breath the free air again

feel the sunshine on your face

nothing can erase that first breath feeling

the sky's the ceiling

take it in

tumble low

tell em you’ve gone home

hooped in a life saver

and fisherman’s whistle

they’re tugging you aboard

and you can make it out

the USS Alberta

the name of your savior

how wonderful to be found here

in this Atlantic landscape

with no land to escape

they will take you aboard

where you’ll be warm

the nightmare will be over

hound dogs will lick you all over

and you’ll be on another turn of the revolver

ready to shoot out to the next journey

on goes the hurdy-gurdy

today's shanty

you modestly sing along

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Learning to Talk



talcum latrine

falcon scream




in a loop

down to earth




learning to walk

the mind

learning to talk




take it apart

don’t worry about the end result

stay in the practice


let us

be kind

to one another



forget the deadline

there is not time

for us to rewind

only play

and let it spin

taint no sin
to love your skin

and dance around

in your birthday suit

swimming the warm waters

of velvet lovers

given by mothers

who made love

tell us a song

sing us a story

unwrap your mind

from blankets of worry

take it to the curb

believe in the word

for it is written in stone

that no one is alone

not in this life

or any other

though we may die alone

there are others sharing our fate

the whole human race

even stars in space

so let’s come together

and change this place

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The Snake

the snake was given a key to our home

given a crown

and a team to do his bidding

the snake was given trust

and the authority to command

the snake was elected by the people

and the people are mice

how were mice led to believe they could trust a snake?

the snake said things that that mice should not trust

the snake has eaten mice

the snake has eaten mice before their very mouse eyes

so why?

why did the mice elect a snake?

perhaps there is a bigger predator that the mice fear

the hawk?

the cat?

the opossum?

are mice afraid of being eaten by other mice?

is that what has been going on?

maybe mice see strength in the snake

wish they had the same

perhaps they hope, that by placing their trust in the snake

the snake will give trust in return

but the snake has only one instinct

and that is to survive

and all the snake knows to survive is to feed

snakes feed on mice

the mice are not safe in this house

so should they flee?

build a new home?

or can they find a way to live in a home ruled by a snake?

I suppose they can hide

I suppose they could organize

after all, what is one snake against 340 million mice?…

some will flee

some will hide

some will be eaten alive

but others may organize

and one day defeat the snake

only time will tell...

within every mouse, lies a snake waiting to strangle itself.

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The Rain

The rain is falling

And it smells so good

So WELL…so

Who cares

Good is good

I feel good

I got my music

I got no hood

The rain cools my head

That’s been shaved

In my own tradition

As I walk through rain

To find the answer

In my own rendition.

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Ribbed leather boots rub the soles of my mind

Finding a grip on those fine fettered fishnet thighs

That strikes a salmon fit grip line

Trapped beneath my life

I push my soul into yours
It’s only a trick

It’s only for a while

To stop would be remorse

But it’s you I desire

Inside girl

I’m thirsty now and I need a drink

Need to taste your power and feed

Your beauty

A tender Lincoln

Dark and stunning

Rises to God

Dragging you up with me

Can you feel it?

Can you feel it?

The drums are beating

The razors sinking

We’re bleeding

It’s not so tender after all

It’s hot, and that’s how we like it

Inside girl



I see you there

I see you stare

But I don’t care

Touch me if you will sky of blue

Always remember

I’m inside of you

Inside girl.

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Paperless age

Underlining triangles

Out of the maze

Sometimes we feel stuck in a tree

Over the tracks

Where we can see

That train

No need for pain

Smells like summer

Smells like the rain

Come on &

Hate me now

I know it’s been a long time

Since I’ve seen you

I’m the one to blame

Can I get down now

Put my feet on the ground

Navigate my way back down and around

The stumps

Back to the tracks


Take me back down now

I gotta get back.

Let’s go out and find a ditch

Fill it up with stuff that rots


Crock pots

Erasers on table tops

Rip up the pages and lick all the stamps

Cross the big river

Come see me again.

Follow the brick, man

The stone slab

Brick a brack

Fast track

Wood spike

Railroad track

And sing a song

To me in the rain

Come cross the stream

We’ll sit and sing

Cookin’ up old times

What’s so funny?

Get your boots all muddy

Come n’ see me honey.

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Slip your hypodermic splatter

Under layers of skin and matter

And strike me like a whore

Off 74th and Malanter

Leave me stranded

Leave me stoned

Picked on and received

I got scabs on my knees

Scabs on my legs

Arms and feet

I am my own scene

Of a next day investigation

Where a black and yellow

Keeps me from washing down the gutter

Getting drowned out by the rain

Of last night’s next day

By blood is sweet

My skin is betrayed

Picked off and selected

Bugs in the night

They crowd my day.

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Cherry Blossom

Cherry blosom

Someone got ‘em

Hit ‘em

Get ‘em

Got ‘em


Cherry blossom

Won some sun

Get a blossom

Cherry blossom

Someone’s chair

Chariot got ‘em

Get his got

Blossom or not

Hit him one

Get his sum

Lights it lit

Light up the sun

Light up the sun

My daughter

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Dirty Face

I understand the sound

I open my eyes

Through shattered windows of noise

I see green skies

Grab my gun

Get up to run

Find cover in the shade

My face is black

My boots are heavy

A watch that’s cracked

A mind unsteady

Ill run for my life

Under the humid sun

Through shivered jungle corridors

I am,

Not the only one

Waking up to rattled sounds

In a blind room

Of my unmentioned past

That no one knows

Round and round

Holding fast

These thoughts run on

I’m acting out

Doing it all wrong

In the life I’ve lead

I know I should be dead

So knock me down

Knock me out

Send me away to a special place

Spell it out

Remind me how it felt

Unwanted luck

They call me Chuck

So don’t get me stuck

This is my home

My place

My name is Dirty Face

Wrong or rite

Ill stand

For any face

I’ll carry the heavy light

Of an anchored curse

On this red path

To the center of the universe

Will my path be bright?

This is my life

Good day to die.

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Gold Teeth

Countless glances

Counting glasses

Breaking them on my arms

Sliding down

Lying down

Imported numbing sounds

On a steam ship get away

The engines are loaded

And the people don’t know it

But the smoky jumbled

Warthog snout machine

Has triggered his pile

At the height of it all

Rising all the same

And exceeding the median

Of stretch team magnetic works

To enlist some kind of immortal response

Broken ship steam heat

So countless it hurts.

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Human Condition






No sense

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Last Call for Wild Love

Some people say goodbye

Some don’t have the chance

When everyone’s gone

And all is said and done

She’ll be sitting there all alone

No life of the party

No life at all

Love has had its last drink

And it’s too late for last call

So there it goes

Out the door

Alone again

She drinks a toast to love

Then she’ll have some more

She can’t get enough

Everyone comes to see her

They laugh at her jokes

But when it gets too late

It’s time to go

And so

Once again

She will be

Another toast to love

Shell drink some more

Watch her glass

It shakes before it tips

Her joy begins to pour

Through the wooden cracks

Of the bar room floor

Nothing left to drink

No life of the party

No life at all

She took a trip

She took a fall

Out the door and underground

She’s made her last toast

To an empty wild round.

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Misty Rap

Silver disk table top

A winding laser road

She waits on a bus to nowhere

While her mans out kissing a toad

Sometimes things just have no reason

Sometimes the people wanna be left alone

But when you’re driving in a car

To a tiger raging bar

You want to send the rats back

To their holes.

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[Dark stage, NO LIGHTS AT ALL. Nothing but the sound of breath and AC buzzing from the walls of the theatre. Suddenly a voice transcends from the void and softly speaks]

*Note: (-) <-------- at the end of a sentence means a beat of about a second or so.

The earth is cooling
And so are you--
Settle in-------------------------
Settle in

To the silence

Settling in requires preparation-
Cutting molds to form your thoughts around-
Such a convenience it would be to know it all
Like motors pumping cool comfort through the holes in the walls
The blood,

Now rushing to the holes in your head
Humping it
Praising it till your dead
Amiable pleasures and needs
From them to us
For you and me

I’m not one to talk at all
I’m - not really here-
Huh, "not really" is a huge understatement
What I mean is
I have no matter-
No pulse-
Not a single-cellular-component of any kind
I am everything that cannot be explained
I was never born
I've never died
I am nothing--
But nothing must be something--

Alas, I have already contradicted myself
To simply use the word "nothing" as a vehicle to describe to those physically hearing my vocal frequencies by granting them the understanding of this kind of absurdity is absurd!
[Almost mockingly] If I am nothing I must be something,
Here lies the dilemma
"Nothing" suggests the barrel is empty
The well run dry
Flames of passion gone broke and shattered-
Maybe like glass?-
A dream forgotten?-
And this, "must be something" business,
News to me
Perhaps something else metaphorical,
Fruit off the tree?


That something betters going to happen than what’s going on right now--
What’s really going on?--

Hah, you see how easy it is, even for an enigma, to fall into dialogue?
[Mockingly again?] A romantic pattern of self deprivation
Smart and pathetic at the same time
You know,
Languages have come and gone for centuries
That old pulsing need for the brains instinctual urging to be heard and if successful hopefully get screwed
[Sub-verbal exhale, relief?]--

Not my fault though--
I've simply slipped myself into your habitual orbit of seasonal logic and reason---
Now I'm at a loss for words---------------------------

[Lights up]


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Blue transparency sheets

Cover a window where the sun shines

A velvet silhouette

On the cold shoulders of the girl

With too much to think about

Whether she should water her blood roses or not

Whether she should smell them

Or cut some

To bring in the house

So she can drown their stems in peroxide

And rusty sink water where they belong

Their perfume and image bring her too much pain

She listens to them caressing each other in the wind.

Fantasizing about pushing her finger in

Splitting her thumb

Caressing a rose’s vein.

The thought stings in a hot kettle

Where water deposits

Are seconds away

From slipping off the tips

Of their tiny sharp teeth

She wants to forget


How graciously she receives their letters

In this dusty make-up kit

That smell of lip stick

An ivory brush that was her Grandmothers

Given to her by her mother




As long as her neck lets them.

Backing away from the mirror

With her new, blue

Moon lit face in front of her

And her now black

Dripping mist roses

Watching the hair on her back

She can feel them in her shoulders

Even though she wears a vest

She knows

They will always be there

Even if she stands to go.

Cold feet in the cold snow

Someone left the door open

Winters breath finds his way inside her chest

Like a cat resting on her

It’s hard to breath in this cold white room

She’s close to the door

But the pillow is her tomb.

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No words for citing

No inspiration at all

Was that writing?

Writing on the wall?

It is you I choose

To make me feel tall

With your booze

The buzz builds the wall.

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Tucacatite Rewrite

Jumping around

On carousilly ground

Gold and mirrored

Riding a ralion

Gripping the remains

Of fala-fa-flames

Dropping the edge

Lifting the sea

Ralion sharp caw

Cuts the skin

Dyes the vision

Holding the air

Taking it deep

Trying to reach

The blue swirls of candy

Can dee tupar

Mar lo mar

Can dee tupar lo mar

Pa pa, tucala

Tucala tupata

Riding around

Through a tubetta

Through your la la la

Your la-la-life

A voice that’s gold

A covers that’s mold

Creating a fight to bring it down

To the bottom



It’s swelling up

It’s ratata


A rolling wind

Rolling world

A checkerboard

It’s black and white

It’s outa sight

So take a bite

Of that tucacatite.

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Whatever It Is...

Frowns mean nothing in the sky

But no one goes there when they die


The sun on a cloudy day

Burns me


Miles away

But I can see you from here

I can see me car from up here

And I want you to know

That everything is gonna be just fine.

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Wichita Mouse

If this was my shirt

And this stick was a knife

And this fabric here,

you follow me?

If this stuff was the world, right?

If I took this knife

And ripped a tear in the universe

With star light ever green never glades

And eyebrows that pick time into parts

To peer through this,

What would the fibers of all creation do in response?

In this Wichita morning

Where the roads are still slick

Like an oil storm to sog a lollypop case

You feel a shiver.

The parts of the brain that are supposed to tell you what to do

Just aren’t working today.

The meats you’ve stowed have grown sour

And all your hot parts have gone cold.

Your workers have abandoned the enterprise

To protest in this Wichita storm

That you make a choice today.

What a world this is for a mouse in mans cloths,

Where workers, intruders, statesman and looters

Can look you in the eye with red noses and straight faces.

Where these cold times can turn you, Mr. Mouse, to find

That the very thought of you not knowing yourself

As well as someone who can call you when they get into town,

Go out to dinner,

And discuss the many meanings of a frown,

Is sick.

You realize

You’re less of a man

And more of a pal around

Then simply a man himself.

I’m gonna step outside,

You say in your head

Gonna cool off,

You say to your pal

Freeze to death,


Work on myself and then resurrect

As a slippery rotten mouse with a real knack

For poppin' sucks in the spat

Who make me ask myself too many questions

About why I do things.

Then I’ll take a swing at my own hen house

My own cause

For I am a mouse

Who will no longer question his own help.

I’ll find what I can

And take what’s left.

I am a mouse

A four legged…


And I say

That no more

Will I lose a one man game

For my own decisions

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